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Showing posts from March, 2025

2025 52 Ancestors: Home Sweet Home - Living on the Land

Whenever I try to think of some interesting living situations in the family tree, my mind always jumps to this photo of my great grandaunt, Grace Helen (Hinman) Boodleman. She moved in with Charles Boodleman on his homestead in Faith, South Dakota. This is them in front of their sod house with their two dogs in 1910. It truly looks as if the house was constructed to utilize as much of the shape of the land as possible, expending as little energy as needed to support the structure over their head. The patent was awarded to Charles in 1912, meaning he made all necessary improvements on the land to satisfy the Homestead Act requirements. It's as if they were living in their only little cave of sorts, and I love the plank walkway that curves and winds its way up to, what I imagine, was their front door. They also all look like they're enjoying their time lounging out front and posing for the photo -- even the pups! Grace (as well as her sister Fanny!) also obtained her very own hom...

RootsTech Revelations!

Unfortunately I still have not yet had the chance to attend a RootsTech genealogy conference in person, however, 2025 marks the fourth year in a row I've watched virtually since their quick and nimble transition during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. I'm quite thankful for the plethora of videos and keynote presentations FamilySearch has offered online since that point in history, and for FREE, nonetheless! In the handful of presentations I've managed to view or listen to so far this year, there was one put on by Claire Bradley , a Dublin-based genetic genealogist, that helped me strike gold in my research! Her talk was called Irish Genealogy Resources at the Virtual Treasury . It explored the holdings of the Virtual Record Treasury of Ireland which has had the goal of recreating an online database of documents lost during the Four Courts Fire of 1922 at the Public Record Office of Ireland.  Obviously, due to the devastating destruction at that archive, many original recor...